Still Life Paintings, Watercolor and Ink Pen, Grade 1

Grade 1 students recently completed Still Life Paintings using watercolor and black ink pens. The students were given a limited palette of yellow, blue and red and we talked about how to mix the colors to make secondary colors and brown. The artwork below was done by a student who explored mixing all four color combinations: orange, green, purple and brown.

Still Life, Grade 1

Still Life, Grade 1

I encouraged color mixing but did not require it--it was up to each student to make decisions on how they would use the watercolor to add color to their drawing/s.

To view more Grade 1, Still Life Watercolors, click here.

California Visual Art Standards:

2.2 Mix secondary colors from primary colors and describe the process.​

2.6 Draw or paint a still life, using secondary colors.​

2.8 Create artwork based on observations of actual objects and everyday scenes.​