After spending three class sessions drawing European, Chinese and Mayan inspired dragons, the grade one students created their own dragons using oil pastel layered with a watercolor wash (click here for previous post about watercolor & oil pastel.) Students were very excited to work with the watercolors again and the results were vibrant and expressive! Below are examples of student work.
Click here to view a gallery of dragons.
Grade three classes have all had a chance to explore the 6B pencils and other drawing media to practice making light, medium and dark shading. We have now moved into learning about portraits and done a couple of life drawing sessions. During these sessions, students practiced drawing quickly, ranging from 2 - 4 minutes using observational skills they have practiced during warm-ups. They also learned about and practiced contour and gesture drawing. Soon, we will be working from photos students took of themselves using PhotoBooth and a strong side lighting to try their hand at drawing light, medium and dark shading in a self-portrait.
Students posed for each other during their life drawing sessions.